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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 11 из 11
Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017-04-04Role of customs in free trade agreements in Eastern and Southern AfricaNawosah, Rajeev; Навосах, Раджив
2017-04-04Legal analysis on Ukraine’s legislation compliance with the revised Kyoto conventionTriakina, Olga; Трякина, Ольга
2017-04-04Human resource development in customs based on competency managmentBaranova, Alina; Баранова, Алина
2017-04-04The history of the Hungarian law enforcement higher education and its possible future objectivesSZABÓ, Andrea; Сабо, Андреа
2017-04-04The Russian Customs Academy: integration into the global networks of educational institutionsDyakov, Vladimir; Moskaleva, Anna; Дьяков, Владимир; Москалева, Анна
2017-04-04Customs bodies actions against counterfeit products movementOzoling, Andrey; Озолинг, Андрей
2017-04-04Learning of official languages of the WCO as a key factor of customs trainingSosunova, Galina; Сосунова, Галина
2017-04-04Organizational, economic and legal aspects of the state regulation of international trade in CITES species in UkraineOleksiienko, Roman; Алексеенко, Роман
2017-04-04Modern condition of classification of cotton fiber and its productionKarimkulov, Kurbоnkul; Каримкулов, Курбонкул
2017-04-04Definitions of customs functions in the contex of economic integration and globalizationChevers, Aldis; Чеверс, Алдис
2017-04-04Through the lens of the WCO professional standards and PICARD 2020: using strategic HRM in customs development projectsKristjansdottir, Unnur Ýr; Hartmannsdottir, Gunnlaug; Gunnlaugsdottir, Sigfriður; Кристджансдотир, Уннур; Хартмансдотир, Гуннлауг; Гунлаугсдотир, Сигфризур
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 11 из 11