Customs 2024/1 Головна сторінка зібрання Перегляд статистики

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Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 16 з 16
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2024-10-21Contraband on the slovenian-italian border in the interwar period (1918-1941)Benedejcic, A. M.; Malshina, K.; Volobuiev, V.
2024-10-21Strategy of customs business services based on marketing managementBilovodska, O.; Khurdei, V.
2024-10-21Customs payments: impact on budget formation and financial security of countriesDudchik, O.; Aleksieienko, D.
2024-10-21International organisations as a customs cooperation toolsGirman, A.
2024-10-21Investment policy of business entities in foreign economic activityHoriashchenko, Y.; Knysh, O.
2024-10-21Export of ukrainian grain: problems and mechanisms of ensuring global food securityIvashova, L.; Komarov, O.
2024-10-21The evaluation of the necessity to harmonize the excise duty of alternative tobacco and smoke-free products in the European UnionJugane, S.; Juruss, M.
2024-10-21The role of administrative law measures in ensuring scientific activity in the customsKivalov, S.; Bilous-osin, T.
2024-10-17Enhancing european partnership for sustainable development in the face of global conflicts: a comprehensive analysis and strategic frameworkLyzun, M.; Lishchynskyy, I.; Dobrovolska, O.
2024-10-17Transformation of property rights of international business entities in the process of customs regulationPetrunia, Y.; Oleksiienko, R.; Petrunia, V.
2024-10-17The development of the transit potential of ukraine: multimodal transportation and custom issuesPuzikova, V.
2024-10-17Activities of the World customs organization in promoting gender equality at customsSyroid, T.; Kalmykova, O.
2024-10-16Citeswoodid – a capable app based identification tool for law enforcement officers around the globe (cites listed timbers)Weerth, C.
2024-10-16Open-source information in combatting undervaluation and tax non-complianceZhuchkov, A.
2024-10-16Financial control in the customs sphere: concepts, subjects, toolsUrtaieva, L.
2024-10-16Application of the rule of law principle in the consideration of cases of violation of customs regulations: national and international aspectVoitenko, Y.; Voitenko, I.
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 16 з 16