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Title: Theoretical basics of self-management as a factor of effective management of the external economic activities of organizations
Other Titles: Теоретичні основи самоменеджменту як фактора ефективного управління зовнішньоекономічною діяльністю організацій
Authors: Kupchak, M.
Keywords: personnel potential
personnel policy
marginal analysis
marketing approach
managerial foreign economic activity
Issue Date: 14-Oct-2024
Publisher: Університет митної справи та фінансів
Citation: Kupchak M. Theoretical basics of self-management as a factor of effective management of the external economic activities of organizations. Customs Scientific Journal. 2023. №2. С. 30-36.
Abstract: Investigate modern factors of self-management improvement for effective managerial foreign economic activity of organizations. To determine the fundamental approaches to the formation of a model of self-management competences of the personnel potential of foreign economic activity of organizations, as well as modern factors for improving self-management for effective management of foreign economic activity. Scientific research was conducted on the effectiveness of managerial foreign economic activity and personnel management, improvement of self-management as an innovative factor in managerial foreign economic activity. Self-management is considered as a set of purposeful and consistent work methods, new personal approaches in the management process, which forms adaptability and resistance to changes in managerial foreign economic relations.
ISSN: 2518-1599
Appears in Collections:Customs 2023/2

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