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Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 9 з 9
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2023-05-30The changing role and responsibilities of cambodia customsTan, A.
2023-05-30International rating indicators of the state of the business environment and their use in managementPetrunia, Y.; Petrunia, V.
2023-05-30Impact of the russian-ukrainian war on migration processes in the regionKuryliuk, Y.
2023-05-30Factors of increasing the efficiency of audit control in the customs sphereКostenko, A.
2023-05-29Components of the eu’s public administration for the agricultural economy sectorKiforenko, O.
2023-05-29Unece assessment on the practical application of the data pipeline concept for improving the grain corridor efficiency using un/cefact standardsIakymenkov, D.; Roizina, G.
2023-05-29The expediency of presence of the law enforcement bodies in the areas of customs controlGarmash, Y.; Kovalov, V.; Bakai, Brig. Gen. Kristóf Péter
2023-05-29The crime of aggression under the statute of the international criminal courtFilianina, L.; Chackiewicz, M.
2023-05-29Contents of the customs case of UkraineBerezovska, N.
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 9 з 9