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Title: Modern condition of classification of cotton fiber and its production
Other Titles: Современное состояние классификации хлопкового волокна и его продукции
Authors: Karimkulov, Kurbоnkul
Каримкулов, Курбонкул
Keywords: classification
Customs expertise
Goods Nomenclature of foreign economic activity
cotton fiber
the length of fiber
таможенная экспертиза
Товарная номенклатура внешнеэкономической деятельности
хлопковое волокно
длина волокна
Issue Date: 4-Apr-2017
Publisher: Academy of Customs Service of Ukraine
Citation: 1.Bulletin NIR US “ Sifat” , 2007 2.WCO Headquarters 2006, Cellulose Morphologies, Structure, Zugonglichket und Reactivate, Brussels, Belgium, 26-27 September, 2006. 3.Pryke, Douglas C. 1989, “Chornation Stage mixing practices”, Toppi journal, 1989, № 6, pp. 143 - 149
Series/Report no.: Customs;№ 2, 2013
Abstract: The given paper is devoted to studying a role of Customs chemical expertise in examination and definition of the international commodity codes. Methodical recommendations on application of Customs chemical expertise of cellulose and its products in the international economic relations are developed. Here normative documents of expertise of cotton cellulose are resulted.
Appears in Collections:Customs 2013/2

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