In the work, the author investigated the concept of determinants of the development of digital trade in global markets. The aim of this study is to identify the determinants of digital commerce development in global markets by identifying the main strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities. The factors on which the degree of digital transformation depends have been identified. It is proposed to create a reference center in business structures with methodical and innovative departments that will help determine trends in global markets and integrate new products into digital trade. The author developed a system of determinants of the development of digital trade in the context of business structures. The author identified the main strengths,
weaknesses, threats, and opportunities for the development of digital commerce, which were systematized into a system of determinants of the development of digital commerce in global markets. The study concluded that the development of digital commerce in global markets is taking place with positive dynamics, but business structures still face the problem of mobilizing digital technologies for innovation and sales. As a direction for further research, the author suggests exploring the development of an integrated approach to policy formation in the age of digital technologies.