Purpose. To build a theoretical model for ecologization of market behavior of consumers in modern economic conditions and to determine the main types of strategic reaction of enterprises to the ecological factor of business environment. Methodology. Methods of scientifi c generalization were applied to formulate the conclusions of research, analysis and synthesis – to determine, in particular, the structure of ecological needs and interests. Statistical and graphical analysis showed dynamics of the market of ecological goods and consumers preferences. The comparison method was used for characterizing the strategical approaches to understanding the processes of market ecologization, the ecological marketing peculiarities.
Findings. Components of the process of ecologization of consumers’ behavior (needs for security; needs for ecological safety; ecological interests; ecologization of the market demand) are consistently identifi ed and substantiated. Structure of needs for ecological safety and their infl uence are defi ned (providing the reproduction of natural resources; safe natural environment; safe goods). The fi rst two groups of needs form interests in ecological conditions of management, the third one – in ecological properties of goods. Factors of ecological interests were divided into two groups – endogenous and exogenous. Two possible strategic
management approaches (adaptive and expansionary) to respond to the ecologization of consumers’ behavior are highlighted. Peculiarities of positioning, segmentation, communication and pricing policy of enterprises focused on the business use of trend of ecologization of market behavior of consumers are considered.
Originality. A theoretical model for ecologization of market behavior of consumers in modern conditions was created on the basis of using the system approach. There was given further development to defi nition of such concepts as: needs for ecological safety; ecological interests of market agents-consumers; ecologization of demand; ecological goods. Defi nitions of factors infl uencing the consumers’ interests in ecological properties of goods were improved due to their dividing into endogenous and exogenous groups with further structuring. Two possible practical strategic management approaches (adaptive and expansionary) to reacting to ecologization of demand were substantiated. Peculiarities of components of ecological marketing were determined.
Practical value. Results of the research can be used by managers for raising the level of analytical work as to taking into account the ecological component of business environment, consumers behavior and improvement of marketing strategies of enterprises.