The purpose of the article is to substantiate the basic principles and mechanisms for improving the effectiveness of the personnel management system (in the construction industry).
Methodology and methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the theoretical and practical studies of domestic and foreign economists and specialists, scientific papers, as well as materials from national, regional and international scientific conferences. The study used a comparative analysis of various scientific theories and concepts proposed to improve the management system.
Results. The article discusses the theoretical and methodological foundations of managing the construction industry on the basis of non-traditional, effective and modern technological foundations, determines the ways of their application and improvement in the construction sector management system, which is one of the key sectors of the economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and gives practical suggestions for solving the data problems.
It is noted that the effective use of human resources at an enterprise is a multifaceted socio-economic problem that affects all aspects of the enterprise’s life. In other words, acquiring resources, an organization seeks to effectively use them to achieve its goals. Here efficiency for the organization must be ensured in terms of the volume of these resources, methods of their use, space, time and duration of interaction, the optimal ratio of resources used.
Conclusions. Author summarizes the questions raised in the study and shows that increasing the efficiency of enterprise management is possible thanks to a systematic analysis and application of various points of view presented in local, foreign, specialized and scientific literature. It is noted that for this, the managers of the enterprise should pay attention to pressing issues of the effective use of human resources in the future.