Короткий опис (реферат):
Purpose. The article covers the impact of globalization on the development and formation of the Ukrainian society.
Methods. The study used general scientific and special methods: scientific generalization and systematization – to determine the characteristics of globalization; comparative analysis – to compare the development of the countries that are members of the European Union with other countries whose government is seeking integration with Europe; systematic analysis – to identify the positive and negative aspects of the impact
of globalization on the socio-economic and political development of some countries in the world; logical synthesis – to explain the results of the research.
Results. It has been researched that globalization as a whole and world economic relations, in particular, is an objective process that expresses the totality of conditions of development of the modern world community and, first of all, scientific and technical and economic progress. This is an inevitable stage of the ascension of humanity to new horizons, which ultimately has positive beginnings, but at the same time is not devoid of
serious and large-scale contradictions, and therefore does not exclude negative influences. It is analyzed that the main negatives of globalization is the dominance of the “wealthier” country over the less developed in the economic and even cultural spheres. The downsides also include the commercialization of the cultural values. Globalization in its present form is subordinated to the interests of the world capital (transnational
corporations) operating using the military-political power of the leading Western powers. However, these states themselves are leading the world globalization process in the pursuit of their own geopolitical interests.
Conclusions. It is determined that the functioning of the economy of Ukraine does not comply with international legal norms in terms of taxation system, regulatory system, transparency of financial transactions, etc., which is the cause of unfavorable investment climate. Despite the high level of declarations made about the need to attract foreign investment, there is in fact no sound policy strategy for the creation of a favorable investment climate.