Pavlenko, Olena; Triakina, Olga; Garmash, Evgeniy; Bogdanova, Elena; Jeifets, Victor; Babayev, Igbal; Cucino, Pier Alberto; Zafeiropoulos, Panos; Павленко, Елена; Трякина, Ольга; Гармаш, Евгений; Богданова, Елена; Хейфец, Виктор; Алиджан оглы Бабаев, Игбал; Кучино, Пьер Альберто; Зафайропоулос, Панос
(Університет митної справи та фінансів, 2019-03-21)
This paper is a result of the collaborative study of experts from 11 countries. It is based on the materials of the training workshop, which was held by the UNECE in Turin, Italy on the theme “Trade Facilitation Implementation ...