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The development of Ukraine’s export potential of sphere of knowledge-intensive services in the context of global economic integration

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу

dc.contributor.author Schitov, D. N.
dc.contributor.author Mormul', N. F.
dc.contributor.author Мормуль, Н. Ф.
dc.contributor.author Щитов, Д. Н.
dc.date.accessioned 2017-05-24T06:48:09Z
dc.date.available 2017-05-24T06:48:09Z
dc.date.issued 2017-05-23
dc.identifier.citation 1. Europe INNOVA Communications [Electronic resource] // Access mode : www.europe-innova.eu 2. European Investment Fund [Electronic resource] // Access mode : http://www.eif.org/ 3. European Commission [Electronic resource] // Access mode : www.ec.europa.eu 4. Eurostat [Electronic resource] // Access mode : www.epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/eurostat/home/ 8 5. International Monetary Fund, IMF [Electronic resource] // Access mode : www.imf.org/external/index.htm 6. The European Central Bank [Electronic resource] // Access mode : www.ecb.europa.eu/home/html/index.en.html 7. The European Institute of Innovation and Technology [Electronic resource] // Access mode : www.eit.europa.eu/ 8. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNCTAD Bank [Electronic resource] // Access mode : www.unctad.org/en/Pages/Home.aspx 9. Trends and drivers of change in the European knowledge-intensive business services sector: Mapping report. Dublin, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2006 [Electronic resource] // Access mode : www.eurofound.europa.eu/pubdocs/2006/79/en/1/ef0679en.pdf 10. United States Census Bureau [Electronic resource] // Access mode : www.census.gov 11. University-industry collaboration in R&D / World Economic Forum [Electronic resource] // Access mode : http://reports.weforum.org/global-competitiveness-report-2014-2015/rankings/#indicatorId=EOSQ072 uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2393
dc.description.abstract There was considered the methodological bases of research of sphere of knowledge-intensive services in the context of global economic integration. There was investigated the status and trends of knowledge-intensive services in Ukraine. International approaches of estimation of competitiveness of national economies are considered. The basic factors of forming of export potential of knowledge-intensive services of national economy are investigated. The intercommunication of factors of forming of Ukraine's export potential of knowledge-intensive services and competitiveness of national economies are grounded uk_UA
dc.language.iso en uk_UA
dc.publisher Sheffield: Science and Education Ltd, UK uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries News of Science and Education;2015 / № 8 (32)
dc.subject knowledge intensive services uk_UA
dc.subject classification of knowledge intensive services uk_UA
dc.subject evaluation indexes of the national economy uk_UA
dc.subject realization of export potential of knowledge intensive services uk_UA
dc.subject factors of export potential of knowledge intensive services uk_UA
dc.subject economic and mathematical model of the export potential of knowledge intensive services of the EU uk_UA
dc.subject the export potential of Ukraine knowledge intensive services uk_UA
dc.subject knowledge intensive services in Ukraine coordinates indices of global competition uk_UA
dc.title The development of Ukraine’s export potential of sphere of knowledge-intensive services in the context of global economic integration uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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