In the article the problem in the context of state regulation of the economy. Migration is a deterrent structural reforms and creating conditions for economic growth in Ukraine. Specified that the development of migration policy is impossible without a study of the conditions and mechanisms of migration. The functions of government on migration, the role of international institutions on migration is mentioned. The list of factors affecting the migration process is proposed. The authors emphasize that the state should provide a migration policy is not reactive and preventive nature of the implementation of its profitable scenario. Research, which is the subject of migration management, contribute to resolving a number of contradictions. The basis for the regulation of migration should be an integrated approach that coordinates the approaches, principles, methods and techniques of Ukrainian and foreign experience. An important focus should be to balance the interests of all parties affected by migration, improving the functional and organizational structure of state regulation in this area, eliminating inconsistencies and contradictions that arise in the interaction between the authorities of different subordination between the central and local authorities. The authors propose the creation of targeted research center migration, whose main tasks would be: diagnostics migration situation in the country; the study of quantitative and qualitative needs of the state in migrants; statistics on migrants and others. Emphasized that the formation of an effective mechanism of migration policy requires approval of its goals with the goals of economic, social, cultural, territorial policy; balance and harmonize the interests of the state, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), private entities.
Hirman A. Migration in the context of economy state regulation in Ukraine [Електронний ресурс] / Alla Hirman, Natalia Volkova // Соціально-економічні проблеми і держава. — 2016. — Вип. 1 (14). — С. 83-90. — Режим доступу до журн.: http://sepd.tntu.edu.ua/images/stories/pdf/2016/16gavriu.pdf.