The author shows the components of the conceptual approaches to improve the institutional and legal framework of information exchange within integration associations of the countries – participants of the Commonwealth of Independent States (further – CIS) in terms of legal regulation of the interstate information systems creation to facilitate trade and reduce commerce, transport and communication costs while making commercial procedures. The paper also describes three stages of Customs procedures automation: 1) automation of Customs declarations processing and Customs payments control; 2) implementing risk analysis and risk management, taking decisions based on them as to the release of goods; 3) creation and development of multifunctional information systems covering all Customs processes with the participation of all national regulatory authorities on the basis of the "Single Window" concept. The paper deals with the problems that affect the creation of the interstate information systems in the various integration associations as well as the development of their information space and that affect the scope of legal regulation of relations among Customs administrations within the CIS; reviews possibilities and need for interstate information systems; considers possibilities of joining the information exchange or interaction, organized by the interstate system created within one integrated association, by a new member who is not a member of this integration association and didn’t participate in the creation of such a system as well as the administrative and legal mechanism for its accession; describes principles of information exchange and interaction that will enable the accession of new members of the information exchange or interaction.