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Title: Macroeconomics : textbook
Authors: Zadoia, А.
Petrunia, Yu.
Zadoia, O.
Petrunia, V.
Issue Date: 18-Feb-2025
Publisher: Alfred Nobel University
Citation: Macroeconomics : textbook / A. Zadoia, Yu. Petrunia, O. Zadoia, V. Petrunia. Dnipro : Alfred Nobel University, 2025. 276 p.
Abstract: The book introduces readers to how the economic life of society as a whole is organized. A significant part of the material is devoted to such macroeconomic problems as the dynamics of national production, unemployment, inflation, and achieving general equilibrium. The economic role of the state, the action of fiscal, monetary, and other instruments of state regulation of the economy are considered. In terms of its structure and content, the book meets modern standards for studying the course "Macroeconomics" in the university education system. For higher education students. It can be useful to all those who are interested in economic problems.
ISBN: 978-966-434-589-4
Appears in Collections:Кафедра менеджменту зовнішньоекономічної діяльності

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