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Назва: Modern ukrainen youth and historico-axiological features of social communication
Автори: Chechelnytska, H.
Antonova, V.
Дата публікації: 7-лют-2025
Видавництво: Ljubljana School of Business
Бібліографічний опис: Chechelnytska H., Antonova V. Modern ukrainen youth and historico-axiological features of social communication. Modern approaches to knowledge management development : сollective monograph. Slovenia : Publishing Ljubljana school of bussines, 2020. рр. 299–313.
Короткий огляд (реферат): The urgent problem of the present stage of the historical development of mankind is the analysis of social communications that determine the value orientations of the modern young people. This issue has been studied in a number of scientific papers. We paid attention to the fact that the era of the emergence of mass communications and information and communication technologies has forever changed the vectors of civilizational development of mankind and its culture. In our study we were interested in young people as active and passive the subject of social communications at the present stage of development is growing the importance of the media, the power of their influence increases. In this context, we opened the issue of the role of social advertising and theatrical events in PR activities. By their spectacle and emotionality, they activate young people to participate in them. At the same time, they serve as an effective mechanism of influence and interaction. In the course of the study, various situational examples were used, including from the life of the university where the authors work.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу):
ISBN: 978-961-91021-8-3
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра журналістики

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