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Title: Analysis of texts of the author's column genre in the Ukrainian and American press
Authors: Tsvietaieva, Olena
Pryshchepa, Tetiana
Biriukova, Diana
Ponomarenko, Olena
Hurko, Olena
Keywords: American press
Analysis of texts
Column genre
Ukrainian press
Issue Date: 6-Feb-2025
Publisher: MAGNANIMITAS Assn
Citation: Tsvietaieva O., Pryshchepa T., Biriukova D., Ponomarenko O., Hurko O. Analysis of texts of the author's column genre in the Ukrainian and American press. AD ALTA Journal of interdisciplinary research. 2021. Vol. 11. Issue 1 (special issue XV). рp. 46-51.
Abstract: The purpose of the study is to find out the key features of the author's column in the system of modern personal journalism; to determine its form, genre, and style specifics in Ukrainian and American discursive practice. Columnism, as an American concept of personal journalism, has become a common phenomenon in the columns of modern Ukrainian periodicals. Practical achievements in this direction create empirical preconditions for a fundamental study of this phenomenon in the Ukrainian information space, its genealogical connections with the main genre resources of the Ukrainian media compared to the traditions of American columnism
ISSN: 2464-6733 (Online)
Appears in Collections:Кафедра журналістики

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