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Title: Method for accelerating diffusion processes when borating structural steels
Authors: Savchenko, Iu.
Kozechko, V.
Shapoval, A.
Keywords: Mathematical model
Shock-wave stress
Chemical heat treatment (CHT)
Diffusion layer
Rust resistance
Issue Date: 13-Oct-2023
Publisher: Springer International Publishing
Citation: Iu. Savchenko, V. Kozechko & A. Shapoval (2022). Method for accelerating diffusion processes when borating structural steels. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Volume II 7.
Series/Report no.: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Industrial Engineering;Volume II 7, 2022
Abstract: Strengthening structural steel using the chemical heat treatment (CHT) methods is widespread and well known. However, these methods have a series of drawbacks, which limit their scope. Deformation processes under shock-wave stress and their role in the diffusion development are of scientific and practical interest since the range of deformable alloys is not limited to the residual deformations within 2%. In this regard, the problem of using the effect of explosive deformation and evaluating its impact on the intensification of diffusion processes is important and relevant. The application of preliminary shock-wave stress as a stimulating factor for the intensification of subsequent diffusion processes during thermochemical treatment is demonstrated. It is proven that the use of this method made it possible to increase the diffusion layer depth by approximately two times along with a significant reduction of the operating cycle time. It is the first time when high-energy processing was used to increase the productivity of structural steel chemical heat treatment. It was established that preliminary shock-wave treatment leads to the intensification of diffusion processes, an increase in the saturation thickness of structural steel with boron. It was proven that the thickness of the diffusion layer varies based on the value of the true deformation. The efficiency of preliminary shock-wave treatment is demonstrated, which made it possible to increase the thickness of the borated layer by two times.
ISSN: 2195-4356
Appears in Collections:Кафедра кібербезпеки та інформаційних технологій

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