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Title: Preventing corruption in public procurement in European Union
Authors: Hurzhyi, Olena
Ivashov, Mikhaylo
Topolenko, Nadiia
Krushelnytska, Taisiia
Dragan, Iryna
Koval, Ganna
Keywords: Public Procurement
Public Monitoring
Issue Date: 11-Sep-2023
Publisher: ad alta
Citation: Hurzhyi O. Preventing corruption in public procurement in European Union / O. Hurzhyi, M. Ivashov, N. Topolenko, T. Krushelnytska, I. Dragan, G. Koval // Journal of interdisciplinary research, VOL. 11, ISSUE 2, SPECIAL ISSUE XXII. P. 96-100.
Series/Report no.: Journal of interdisciplinary research;VOL. 11, ISSUE 2, SPECIAL ISSUE XXII
Abstract: This article highlights the organization, methodology, and practice of public monitoring and control of public procurement to counteract corruption. The object of the study is the EU countries and their agencies, which are engaged in the control of public procurement. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the work of monitoring organizations and control of public procurement in the direction of combating corruption. The results obtained showed that different countries have their own characteristic techniques of corruption in different directions. Based on the study results, conclusions about methods of improving public monitoring and control over public procurement were made.
ISSN: 2464-6733
Appears in Collections:Кафедра обліку, аудиту, аналізу і оподаткування

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