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Title: Development of methodological provisions of audit of foreign trade activities of related enterprises
Authors: Fesenko, V. V.
Issue Date: 4-Sep-2023
Publisher: “Marszałek Publishing Group”; “Liha-Pres”
Citation: Fesenko V. V. Development of methodological provisions of audit of foreign trade activities of related enterprises (chapter 5) / V. V. Fesenko // Challenges and prospects for the development of a new economy at global, national, and regional levels :collective monograph / L. B. Barannik, O. M. Vakulchyk,O. V. Kovalenko, L. V. Lysiak, V. V. Fesenko.–Lviv-Toruń : Liha-Pres, 2019. –188p.
Series/Report no.: Challenges and prospects for the development of a new economy at global, national, and regional levels :collective monograph;2019
ISBN: 978-966-397-147-6
Appears in Collections:Кафедра обліку, аудиту, аналізу і оподаткування

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