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Назва: Theoretical foundations of distance education on the Internet
Автори: Rozhdestveska, Iryna
Leshchenko, Hennadii
Kovalova, Olena
Chaika, Yana
Kharlamov, Mykhailo
Hernichenko, Ivan
Ключові слова: Innovative teaching
Higher education
Teaching technology
Дата публікації: 24-сер-2023
Бібліографічний опис: Rozhdestveska I. Theoretical foundations of distance education on the Internet / I. Rozhdestveska, H. Leshchenko, O. Kovalova, Y. Chaika, M. Kharlamov, I. Hernichenko // Laplage em Revista (International), vol.7, n. 3, Sept. - Dec. 2021. C. p.629-633.
Серія/номер: Laplage em Revista (International);vol.7, n. 3, Sept. - Dec. 2021
Короткий огляд (реферат): Through Specialized Literature, we studied the works of modern authors on the problem distance education. It was found that at present there are many opinions about distance and e-education, but there is no single accepted definition; clarified the definition of distance education in the framework of this work; the main tools of Internet marketing were highlighted, their main characteristics, as well as advantages and disadvantages; the tools of promotion on the Internet have been analyzed.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://biblio.umsf.dp.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/5642
ISSN: 2446-6220
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра іноземної філології, перекладу та професійної мовної підготовки

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