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Title: Professional training of Economics students in higher educational institutions through the development of entrepreneurial climate
Authors: Pikulina, Nadiia Yu.
Samoilenko, Dmytro M.
Horiashchenko, Yuliia H.
Zhadko, Kostyantin S.
Nikitchenko, Yuliia S.
Keywords: business education
economics education
professional training
management education
Issue Date: 21-Feb-2023
Publisher: Universidad del Zulia Maracaibo, Venezuela
Citation: Pikulina, N. Y., Samoilenko, D. M., Horiashchenko, Y. H., Zhadko, K. S., Nikitchenko, Y. S. (2021). Professional training of Economics students in higher educational institutions through the development of entrepreneurial climate. Journal of the University of Zulia , 12(35), 63-84.
Series/Report no.: Journal of the University of Zulia;Vol. 12 No. 35 (2021)
Abstract: Professional economic education in Ukraine requires significant reforms because of thriving to integrate into the world economic space, which is impossible without the education of highly professional staff. The development of the entrepreneurial climate in the higher educational institution (HEI) by training the ability to work in a team and the general culture of doing business is an important task. It is specialized economic education that should lay the foundation for the dynamic economic development of the country. Methods used: survey, remote collection and processing of information (GOOGLE Forms), self-actualization test (SAT) (determining the level of general cultural competencies), study of value orientations (according to M. Rokych), methods of personal adaptation to a new professional environment (according to L.V. Yankovskyi), cultural and value orientations test (L.H. Pochebut). According to the study, students are convinced that entrepreneurial skills can be acquired. Students called self-organization the main competence for doing business. It was found that 50% of students have a low level of readiness for teamwork. Only 21% of respondents showed a high level of readiness for teamwork. It was found that special pedagogical conditions for creating an entrepreneurial climate can improve the level of higher economic education.
ISSN: 0041-8811
2665-0428 (Online)
Appears in Collections:Кафедра економіки та економічної безпеки

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