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Название: Accessibility of facilities and services for people with disabilities in the paradigm of law
Авторы: Pryimachenko, Dmytro
Lipynskyi, Vladyslav
Maslova, Anna
Voloshina, Svitlana
Varhuliak, Olena
Ключевые слова: human rights
persons with disabilities
accessibility of facilities and services
low mobility groups
Дата публикации: 30-янв-2023
Библиографическое описание: Pryimachenko, D., Lipynskyi, V., Maslova, A., Voloshina, S., Varhuliak, O. (2021). Accessibility of facilities and services for people with disabilities in the paradigm of law. Amazonia Investiga, 10(44), 188-197.
Серия/номер: Amazonia Investiga;№ 10(44), 2021
Аннотация: The authors of the article touch on the major topic of ensuring access of persons with disabilities to facilities and services, which is an indicator of guaranteeing the rights and freedoms of such citizens and ultimately determines the quality of life of such people. The article analyzes the current Ukrainian legislation, as well as international legal acts governing relations regarding access of persons with disabilities to the general infrastructure. The methodology of the article includes methods of analysis, synthesis, formal-legal and comparative-legal methods. The essence of the right of persons with disabilities to access facilities and services is the legally guaranteed possibility of these persons to freely use all facilities and services without any barriers, including through the adaptation of the latter or their special design. The authors of the article thoroughly researched the concept and content of the right of persons with disabilities to access facilities and services. Finally, the authors concluded that the current domestic legislation, although ensuring the minimum level of rights of persons with disabilities in the study area but needs to be improved taking into account the positive experience of European countries and following the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://biblio.umsf.dp.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/4943
ISSN: 2322 - 6307
Располагается в коллекциях:Кафедра публічного та приватного права

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