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Title: Banking Risks in the Asset and Liability Management System
Authors: Lysiak, Liubov
Masiuk, Iuliia
Chynchyk, Anatolii
Yudina, Olena
Olshanskiy, Oleksandr
Shevchenko, Valentyna
Keywords: banking risk
Issue Date: 3-Jan-2023
Publisher: MDPI
Citation: Lysiak, Liubov, Iuliia Masiuk, Anatolii Chynchyk, Olena Yudina, Oleksandr Olshanskiy, and Valentyna Shevchenko. 2022. Banking Risks in the Asset and Liability Management System. Journal of Risk and Financial Management 15: 265.
Series/Report no.: Journal of Risk and Financial Management;№15, 2022
Abstract: Banking risk management is considered weak compared to rapid changes in financial markets. In light of the recent global financial crisis, banking risk management has become a significant concern of banking regulators and government agencies. This work aims to build a model for assessing banking risks. The primary study method is economic–mathematical modeling based on the standardized model of the Basel Committee for Operational Risk Management, the modified CAPM model, and the model developed by Shapiro and Cornell for currency risk management. The information base was the financial statements of Bank Credit Agricole (Poland). As a result, an economic–mathematical model is built, which is the optimal combination of operational, currency, and credit risk management models. This model calculates the optimal values of bank balance sheet items, which allows for making the right management decisions. It allowed adjusting the value of the bank profit by 3.6 million US dollars. In conclusion, considering the results of banking risk modeling, the need to build a strategy for the bank’s development is determined.
ISSN: 1911-8066
1911-8074 (online)
Appears in Collections:Кафедра фінансів, банківської справи та страхування

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