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Title: Commercialization of the nature-resource potential of anthropogenic objects (on the example of exhausted mines and quarries)
Other Titles: Комерціалізація природно-ресурсного потенціалу антропогенних об'єктів (на прикладі вироблених кар'єрів)
Authors: Sardak, S.E.
Krupskyi, O.P.
Korotun, S.I.
Reshetniak, D.E.
Keywords: tourism
anthropogenic object
антропогенний об'єкт
Issue Date: 17-May-2022
Publisher: Geological - Geographical Faculty of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
Citation: Sardak S.E. Commercialization of the nature-resource potential of anthropogenic objects (on the example of exhausted mines and quarries) / Sardak, S.E. Krupskyi, O.P., Korotun, S.I. Reshetniak, D.E. // Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology 28(1) / - Dnipro: Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, 2019. - 180-187.
Series/Report no.: Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology;2019. №28(1)
Abstract: In this article we developed scientific and applied foundations of commercialization of the nature-resource potential of anthropogenic objects, on the example of exhausted mines. It is determined that the category of “anthropogenic object” can be considered in a narrow-applied sense, as specific anthropogenic objects to ensure the target needs, and in a broad theoretical sense, meaning everything that is created and changed by human influence, that is the objects of both artificial and natural origin. It was determined that problems of commercialization of the natural-resource potential of anthropogenic objects are most often considered by researchers for specific objects, without having complex methodological coverage from the point of view of combining environmental, technical, economic and managerial components. When studying the substantiation of the scientific base, the authors confirmed the feasibility of the commercialization of natural-resource potential of anthropogenic objects on the example of a number of theoretical scientific studies in reclamation, reconstruction, recreation, remediation, restoration of biological productivity and economic value of land disturbed by economic activity. The considered examples of exhausted mines in the 21st century in the USA, Canada, Germany, Romania, and Poland indicate a wide range of opportunities for their commercialization. The study of the potential for commercialization of exhausted mines in the post-Soviet countries testified to the underused reserves for the commercialization of their nature-resource potential and their high potential for further development. The authors proposed the identification of anthropogenic objects on the basic livelihood spheres of society. There were identified the main system (natural, biological, technical, economic, social, managerial) and structural (subjects, trends, threats, risks, problems, challenges) factors of diagnosing the state of an anthropogenic object. A set of measures has been developed for commercialization of an anthropogenic object in functional and production activities, product policy, financial and investment spheres, pricing and sales policies, promotion, management and determination of property rights. Recommendations were provided on optimizing the management decision-making process based on a set of positivistic development principles, methods, and management functions. The study allows international organizations, state and local authorities, territorial communities, owners and potential investors to see new opportunities and make mutually beneficial decisions on the rational use of the nature-resource potential of anthropogenic objects.
ISSN: 2617-2909
Appears in Collections:Кафедра міжнародних відносин

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