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Title: Modeling Dynamic Parameters of Hard Alloys during Shock Wave Regeneration
Other Titles: Моделирование динамических параметров твердых сплавов при ударно-волновой регенерации
Authors: Savchenko, I
Shapoval, A
Gurenko, A
Савченко, Ю.
Шаповал, A.
Гуренко, A.
Keywords: ударно-волновая обработка
технология регенерации твердых сплавов
чистая технология переработки сверхтвердых материалов
Issue Date: 7-Feb-2022
Publisher: IOP Publishing Ltd
Citation: Savchenko I. Modeling Dynamic Parameters of Hard Alloys during Shock Wave Regeneration/ I Savchenko, A Shapoval, A Gurenko // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. – 2020. – 11/1. – С. 012079
Series/Report no.: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering;2020. – 11/1.
Abstract: Construction of the shock adiabat of a porous multi-component mixture and the parameters of compression of this medium by shock waves. As a research technique for the present work, we considered the description of a solid by the equations of hydrodynamics when a shock wave propagates through a substance or mixture of substances when the shock compression pressure exceeds the yield strength of the medium components. When shockwave compression of solids is determined, the parameters of the medium during its multiple compression using the equations of state of multicomponent systems, which are represented by continuous analytical dependencies. The fundamental possibility of using shock-wave processing as a factor stimulating the processes of destruction of powder products of any configuration to obtain high-quality powder for further formation, sintering, and production of tools for various purposes is shown, using developed dependencies. Technology for the regeneration of hard alloys is developed, an environmentally friendly processing technology is proposed super hard materials, cermet components of obsolete military equipment, and different types of ammunition.
Appears in Collections:Кафедра кібербезпеки та інформаційних технологій

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