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Title: Political and theoretical approaches to the essence and types of entrepreneurship
Other Titles: Політичний і теоретичний підходи до сутності та видів підприємництва
Authors: Babayeva, S.
Бабаєва, С.
Keywords: entrepreneurship
market economy
political entrepreneur
economic structure
political theory
ринкова економіка
політичний підприємець
структура економіки
політична теорія
Issue Date: 10-Dec-2021
Publisher: Університет митної справи та фінансів
Citation: Babayeva S. Political and theoretical approaches to the essence and types of entrepreneurship / S. Babayeva // Customs Scientific Journal - 2020. - № 2. - С. 6 – 12
Series/Report no.: Customs Scientific Journal;2020. - № 2
Abstract: The purpose of the study is to consider the process of development of society in the context of the dominant production relations, in the state of the economy and in its political orientation. It is noted that the political structure of society has always been subject to changes, not only in terms of changing ideas, but also in the policy regarding entrepreneurship and its position in the development of the national economy. Research methods. In the process of studying the topic, such methods were used as the analysis of the theoretical foundations of the development of entrepreneurship as a socio-economic institution, the analysis of a special set of norms and rules that ensure the coordinated behavior of business entities. The novelty of the study is that for the first time in a national economic study, a variety of concepts and approaches on the problems of the development of the institution of entrepreneurship were clearly classified. However, the growth of political entrepreneurship and international cooperation between entrepreneurs has caused a dramatic change in its essence, so a political analysis of the problem is key to understanding the role of the main subsystem of the modern free market economy. Conclusions. Summing up, the author comes to the conclusion that, from the point of view, the thesis about two models of entrepreneurial behavior can help resolve the contradiction in the nature of innovation in entrepreneurship (classical and innovative). It is noted that the distinctive feature of the first model (otherwise it can also be called resource-oriented) is that the entrepreneur links tasks with available resources and prefers means of achieving goals that ensure the most efficient use of resources. The second model is focused on opportunities rather than resources, which means that the entrepreneur prefers innovative production methods using his own resources and external resources. In a word, modern entrepreneurship is a multidimensional and holistic socio-economic phenomenon of a market economy, in which multilevel (reflecting many theoretical concepts) and generalizing (reflecting many features) approaches are extremely important. It is advisable to define its economic essence.
ISSN: 2308-6971 (Print)
2518-1599 (Online)
Appears in Collections:Customs 2020/2

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