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Title: Objectives of the Bologna Process and their realization in the education of Hungarian Customs officers
Authors: SZABÓ, А.
Keywords: Bologna process
higher education
Customs education
law enforcement education
Issue Date: 28-Apr-2021
Publisher: Університет митної справи та фінансів
Citation: SZABÓ А. Objectives of the Bologna Process and their realization in the education of Hungarian Customs officers / Andrea SZABÓ // Customs Scientific Journal. – 2017. - № 2. – Р. 54 – 60
Series/Report no.: Customs Scientific Journal.;2017. - № 2
Abstract: In line with the obligations of joining the Bologna Process in the field of law enforcement a modern higher education institute of a linear and multiple-cycle system came into existence in 2006, in whose first main training cycle it is possible to acquire a Bachelor’s degree (BA) and a higher education law enforcement qualification. The second training cycle based on the first training cycle can result in a Master’s degree (MA) and the law enforcement certificate verifying the MA degree. Having acquired a BA qualification, the graduates can start their duty as officers, state or government employees for a law enforcement body or in the civil security sphere, or they can continue their studies in the Master’s programme of the Police College1 or that of the cooperating universities. The future strategic objective is to develop itself on the basis of its own achievements as a multiple-cycle, Eu-conform, law enforcement institute of higher education, which is highly respected in Hungary and abroad and to ascertain the acquisition of competitive, excellent professional knowledge; the education of an intellectual law enforcement board which is committed to national and European values, to strengthen its features of a scholarly-intellectual centre, and to get involved in the adult training system more closely to provide the chance for lifelong learning to be periodic and objective oriented.
ISSN: 2308-6971 (Print)
2518-1599 (Online)
Appears in Collections:Customs 2017/2

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