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dc.contributor.authorTols, Martins-
dc.contributor.authorТолс, Мартиньш-
dc.identifier.citationEuropean Commission (2007), EU Customs Blueprints, Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities Belbin, M. (2010), Management Teams: Why They Succeed or Fail, Oxford, Elsevier Nadler, R.S. (2011), Leading with Emotional Intelligence, New York, McGrawHill Ruete, S.E. (2000), Facilitation 101, Toronto, International Association of Facilitators OSCE (2012), Handbook of Best Practices at Border Crossings – a Trade and Transport Facilitation Perspective, Luxembourg, Imprimerie Centrale S.A. Под. ред. В. Заложа, Б. Литовченко (2012), Инструменты эффективного управления, Киев, ВАITE World Bank (2005), Customs Modernisation Handbook, Washingtonuk_UA
dc.description.abstractManagement soft skills have been continuously underestimated by the state authorities, not establishing a proper balance between educational programs and practical application of acquired knowledge. There is a large variety of reasons behind, usually based on political, cultural, economical and social grounds. Some of them are relatively easy to tackle, others not at all, some need just basic knowledge, while others -deep and comprehensive understanding of psychology and extensive work experience. In this regard practical exercises combined with special environment better help to equip people with the required skills. In this article I present some of the most important findings and propositions to advocate more “practical” approach to the delivery of management soft skills. The conclusion is that the proposals can give a considerable contribution to the development of the discipline itself and to selected topics.uk_UA
dc.publisherУніверситет митної справи та фінансівuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesCustoms Scientific Journal;№1,2013-
dc.subjectmanagement soft skillsuk_UA
dc.subjectнавыки управления людьмиuk_UA
dc.titleManagement soft skills: results oriented approachuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeНавыки управления людьми: подход, ориентированный на результатuk_UA
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