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Title: Restricted information mode. Confidential information and secrets
Other Titles: Обмежений інформаційний режим. Конфіденційна інформація та таємниця
Authors: Liaskouski, I. I.
Лясковський, І. І.
Keywords: state
public relations
limited access
information mode
зв’язки із громадськістю
обмежений доступ
інформаційний режим
Issue Date: 15-Feb-2019
Publisher: Університет митної справи та фінансів
Citation: Liaskouski I. I. Restricted information mode. Confidential information and secrets / I. I. Liaskouski // Правова позиція, 2018. - № 2 (21). – С. 175 - 183
Series/Report no.: Правова позиція : наук. зб.;2018 №2 (21)
Abstract: The issue of access of citizens and legal entities to information of limited access is being considered. Analyzed international treaties, regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus governing the issues of access to information. The definition of confidential information, which information refers to secrets. In order to streamline relations in the field of information, each state creates a system for protecting information, sets restrictions on access and distribution of a particular type of information. In this way, conditions are created for the protection of information, the dissemination of which constitutes a threat to the exercise of the rights and legitimate interests of subjects. On the other hand, the establishment of a legal regime of open and publicly available information, combined with exceptions to it, allows us to form the basis for balancing the interests of society and the state in models of social relations within the framework of a democratic social law-based state. The introduction and implementation of the legal regime of restricted access information is associated not only with ensuring general security, but also with the goal of regulating the interaction of state bodies and individuals. The term “interaction” describes only one aspect of relations between state bodies and citizens, and is more concerned with the latter’s assistance in the realization of their rights and freedoms. It should be borne in mind that for citizens not only the full realization of rights and freedoms is important, but also their real protection and restoration, which is an essential factor in determining the goal of establishing legal regimes of information of limited access
ISSN: 2521-6473
Appears in Collections:2018/2(21)

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