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Title: Notions of the legal responsibility of European public servants: topical issues of law enforcement
Other Titles: Принципи юридичної відповідальності публічних службовців у країнах Європейського Союзу
Authors: Hubanov, O. O.
Губанов, О. О.
Keywords: legal liability
public officials
public service
юридична відповідальність
публічні службовці
публічна служба
Issue Date: 8-Feb-2019
Publisher: Університет митної справи та фінансів
Citation: Hubanov O. O. Notions of the legal responsibility of European public servants: topical issues of law enforcement / O. O. Hubanov // Правова позиція, 2018. - № 2 (21). – С.50 – 54
Series/Report no.: Правова позиція;2018. - № 2 (21)
Abstract: The author analyzes whether there is a balanced system of the legal principles of the liability of the public officials in the domestic legislation of Ukraine which can be used as the basis for further statute regulations improvement. The author also compares those principles which are indicated by the legal doctrine in Ukraine with the principles established by the European law. Presenting specific examples, the author shows how European principles are overlooked by the domestic legislation of Ukraine, and, therefore, comes to the conclusion that there is a pressing need to work on the concept of the legal liability of the public servants, which can be later used as a basis for a complex reform of the sector
ISSN: 2521-6473
Appears in Collections:2018/2(21)

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