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Title: Selected written accounts of the wood trade in the Eastern Mediterranean
Authors: Habaj, M.
Keywords: trade in the ancient world
Eastern Mediterranean
wood trade
international politicy
Issue Date: 22-Oct-2018
Publisher: Академія митної служби України Дніпропетровський національний університет ім. Олеся Гончара
Citation: Habaj M. Selected written accounts of the wood trade in the Eastern Mediterranean / M. Habaj // Історія торгівлі, податків та мита. - 2016. - № 1-2. - С. 61–69
Series/Report no.: Історія торгівлі, податків та мита;2016 № 1–2 (13–14)
Abstract: This article presents a perspective on several selected sources that clarify the significance of the wood trade in the Eastern Mediterranean. Wood features in ancient literary sources from the advent of the written word. The selected sources in this article reflect the individual attributes of the trade in this commodity; they also indicate the ex-tent to which this trade formed international relations
ISSN: 2309-7205
Appears in Collections:2016/№1-2(13-14)

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