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Назва: Origin of the Creative School of Management: Retrospective Analysis
Автори: Litovchenko, В.
Ключові слова: сreative economy
creative management
the principles of effective (productive) management
the moral responsibility of management
creative school of management
the principles of creative management
Дата публікації: 8-чер-2017
Видавництво: Ternopil National Economic University
Бібліографічний опис: Florida, R. (2007). Creative Class: People, who Change the Future, M.: Publishing House «Classics of XXI», p. 432 (in Russian). 2. Lindner, P. (n. d.). Creative Industries: from Theoretical Models to Real Projects. Retrieved from: http://www.hse.ru (in Russian). Kuryliak, V. (2013). Creative economy as a new paradigm of postindustrial civilization. In: Kuryliak V., Zhyvko M., Litovchenko B. (eds.), Journal of Academy of Customs Service of Ukraine. Issue «Economy» 2 (50), pp. 92– 98 (in Ukrainian). 4. Bilorus, O., Honcharenko, M., Lukjanenko, D., et al. (2001). Globalization and Security of Development: monograph. Under edition of Bilorus O. H., NAS of Ukraine, Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Kyiv National Economic University, International Institute of Globalistics, Kyiv: KNEU, p. 733 (in Ukrainian). 5. Prodius, O. I. (2012). Creative Management as a key to efficient modern management. Economics: time realities, 3–4 (4–5), pp. 67–72 (in Ukrainian). 6. Doroshenko, O. S. (2010). Creative Economy in the Paradigm of the Global Development. Bulletin of Ternopil National Economic University: «Economic sciences», issue 5–2, pp. 76–82 (in Ukrainian). 7. Halakhova, T. O. (2014). Creative Industries: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches of Studying. Scientific bulletin of Kherson National University. 9, pp. 9–13 (in Ukrainian). 8. Litovchenko, B. (2015, June) Globalization and Moral Management Responsibility. Journal of European Economy, 14 (2), pp. 109–127. 9. Litovchenko, B. (2015). Creative School of Management for Creative Economy: Time Challenge or Illusion. Economic Discourse. International collection of scientific researches, 4, pp. 5–10 (in Ukrainian). 10. Kredisov, A. I. (2009). Management in the historic development as a theory. K.: Science of Ukraine, p. 515 (in Ukrainian). 11. Encyclopedia of Wisdom. (2007). publishing house: «Bukolika», p. 814 (in Russian). 12. Litovchenko, B. (2012, December). Development of the Theory and Practice of Management: metaphysics vs physics. Journal of European Economy. 11(4), pp. 381–401. 13. Manage science: from the history of management. (1993). Reader: Tutorial, translated from Russian by Kozij L., Matrokhina M., Pyrozhenko P., Kyiv «Lybid», p. 304 (in Ukrainian). 14. Emerson, H. (1913). The Twelve Principles of Efficiency (Third Printing). NY, The Engineering Magazine Co. 15. Toffler, A. (1980). The Third Wave. NY, p. 531. 16. Myrdal, G. (1981). Value Judgement and Income Distribution. NY, p. 581
Серія/номер: Journal of European Economy;2016 Vol. 15, Number 4, December
Короткий огляд (реферат): The emergence and development of creative economy in the contemporary global society poses challenges to the theory and practice of classical views on management. The aim of the study is to identify the main principles for creative management for modern organizations. The tasks of analysis of characteristics of the creative organization in historical retrospective are based on the views of classical theory and practice of management are solving and establishment of creative management in global environment as a tool of effectiveness of building a new socio-economic system with purpose of achieving this goal. Creative management is considered in the context of synergy of creativity, innovation and ethical business.
Опис: Litovchenko Bogdan ORIGIN OF THE CREATIVE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT: RETROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS Journal of European Economy, Vol. 15, Number 4, December 2016, p. 361-377
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2487
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