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Title: Analytic-Numerical Analysis of Waveguide Bend
Authors: Petrusenko, I. V.
Keywords: waveguide bend
Cayley’s transform
generalized mode-matching method
matrix operator technique
Issue Date: 23-May-2017
Publisher: Gebze Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: Electromagnetics;2004 / 24:237–254
Abstract: A novel rigorous solution of the problem of mode diffraction by the junction between a straight and a uniformly curved rectangular waveguide is presented. The generalized scattering matrix of the unit is obtained via the matrix operator technique. The fullwave model is based on Cayley’s transformation between a reflection and an accretive operator. The convergence of approximate solutions is established analytically. The computational efficiency of the method is demonstrated. The power conservation law and the reciprocity relations are used in the operator matrix form. The approach proposed can be useful for numerical-analytical solution of various electromagnetic problems
Appears in Collections:Кафедра комп`ютерних наук та інженерії програмного забезпечення

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