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Title: Strategic aspects of Russian Federation Customs Service development
Authors: Belyaninov, Andrei Yu.
Keywords: foreign trade
economic security
the Russian Federal Customs Service
Issue Date: 3-Apr-2017
Publisher: Academy of Customs Service of Ukraine
Citation: The Customs Code of the Customs Union (an appendix to the Agreement on the Customs Union Customs Code, adopted by the Interstate EvrAzEs Council Summit Decision dated from November 27, 2009 № 17). The Customs Union Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Trade Activities (CU CNFTA), М., 2011. The Common Customs Tariff (CCT), М., 2010
Series/Report no.: Special edition;№ 1, 2012
Abstract: The report gives a brief analysis of the current state and tasks facing The Federal customs service of the Russian Federation and sets forth the main guidelines for its development in the period of up to 2020.
Appears in Collections:Customs 2012/1

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