The article is devoted to the theoretical, methodological, and practical study of ways to form a mechanism for interaction with the public in the public governance system. It was found that the ways to solve the problems of qualitative transformations in the activities of state authorities, changes in the management system on the basis of the formation and implementation of a mechanism for coordinating the interests of administrators and managers should be based both
on legislation and on the public consciousness and political culture of civil servants, politicians
and all members of the community. Approaches to the interpretation of the definition of the
category “public” are summarized. The author's definition of the concept of the “public” is
provided taking into account modern methodological and practical achievements on this issue.
The content of the concept of interaction with the public in the public governance system was
clarified and a generalized definition of it was provided. General requirements for public
interaction with public authorities have been defined. A universal and effective mechanism for
interaction with the public in the public governance system has been formed. The main elements
of the developed mechanism of interaction with the public in the public governance system were
analyzed. Structural and organizational elements of the mechanism of interaction with the public
in the public governance system, their characteristics, and tasks, as well as the forms by which
they interact with society, were identified. It is proved that the most effective type of planning,
in this case, is prospective (annual) planning and its main stages are presented. It was concluded
that the presented mechanism is a universal mean that provides tools for effective planning,
organization, and control of the quality and effectiveness of public interaction measures in the
public governance system. The successful implementation of the mechanism is the key to
improving both the political and socio-economic course of development of a democratic and
transparent state management apparatus in modern crisis conditions.