dc.description.abstract |
The article is devoted to the analysis of the system of anti-corruption measures in the customs authorities as
a specific segment of the public service. The analysis was carried out taking into account international and
European approaches to the anti-corruption strategy by examining the legal framework and organizational
means to counteract this phenomenon.
The purpose of the article is a legal analysis of international standards for combating corruption in the
public service, highlighting the main approaches to overcoming it in the customs authorities and formulating
proposals for improving anti-corruption practices.
Methods. To write the article, a comparative method was used (to systematize information about legal acts
on combating corruption in different countries); dialectical (to understand the relationship of the basic);
structural and functional (for comparison of foreign experience); analysis and synthesis (to highlight the
criteria for the virtue of public service); generalization method (to form the conclusions of the analysis).
Results. The prospect of Ukraine’s accession to the European Union requires the accelerated introduction of
international standards in the practice of public administration and public service, including in the customs
authorities. Both the phenomenon of corruption and the problems of combating it are transnational in nature,
requiring the combined efforts of not only numerous national specialized organizations, but also global
international institutions that carry out relevant work in this area. In addition to the United Nations and the
European Union, these organizations include: the Council of Europe, the World Customs Organization, the
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Transparency International, the Group
of States against Corruption (GRECO), divisions of the World Bank, the World Trade Organization and a
number of regional associations. The result of the concerted efforts of these organizations was the formation
of a system of legal acts aimed at organizing international cooperation in the fight against corruption.
Manifestations of corruption in the bodies of the State Customs Service have a negative impact on the level
of receipt of funds to the state budget, the efficiency of the customs authorities, their rating, relations with
foreign economic activity entities and citizens. The organizational measures taken in the department are
insufficient, and the results so far do not meet expectations.
Conclusions. The main principles of customs ethics are based on the recommendations of the WCO, focused
on the implementation of the rule of law, improving the quality of customs services, professionalism and
moral qualities of personnel. The formation and control of the virtue of the behavior of officials is a priority
activity of the customs administrations of European countries. The introduction of international standards of
moral behavior is an integral part of the modernization of the activities of customs authorities. The search
for balanced levers of influence on the behavior of customs officials remains relevant. |
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