Purpose. The purpose of this study was the author's program to improve technical readiness to the level of
acrobatic skill cheerleader-flyers of the second year of training at the stage of preliminary basic training.
Methods. Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodical literature, analysis of program-normative
documents, control testing, generalization, systematization, methods of mathematical statistics. Participated in 50 cheerleading athletes (girls) aged 10-11 years of Sports Club «Angels» (Kiev, Ukraine), Higher School of
Cheerleading (Odessa, Ukraine) and All-Ukrainian Sports Club «Triumph» (Dnipro, Ukraine), who take part in
competitions in the nomination «Cheer All Female» and in the competitive composition perform the function of
cheerleader-flyers. During the study, group-A (n=24) and group-B (n=26) were formed. Participants of all
groups took part in a control test to determine the level of acrobatic training. Then the author's program for 10
months was introduced into the group-B cheerleader-flyer training. At the end of the year after the
implementation of the program, the participants were submitted to the same data collection. Results. Level
acrobatic skill cheerleader-flyers of the second year of training at the stage of preliminary basic training in
group-A and group-B was at the same level. The range of points for control tests in group-A and group-B ranged from 3.13 score to 9.25 score. Group-B participants showed a high level of acrobatic training in 10 control tests and have a significant increase in performance Wilcoxon signed-rank test at α˂0.01. In group-A, a significant increase Wilcoxon signed-rank test at α˂0.05. Conclusion. The results of the present study indicate that the implementation of the author's program у тренування group-B for 10 months contributed to the improvement of technical skills of acrobatic training. Author's program provided three levels (Level I – Beginner, Level II – Intermediate, Level III – Basic) of technical training, which are aimed at solving a specific goal and objectives of training and the use of training methods. Planning of the author's program was carried out according to two cyclic (milked) structure of annual preparation and certain mesocycles: I cycle - I preparatory period (involving and basic mesocycles) and I competitive period (basic and competitive mesocycles); ІІ cycle - ІІ preparatory period (recovery, basic and control-preparatory mesocycles), ІІ competition period (pre-competition and competition mesocycles) and transition period (recovery mesocycles). During the macrocycle in the preparatory and competitive periods, 196 trainings were held, which were planned 4-5 times a week for 120 minutes. The amount of technical training was - 60-65%, of which 30-35% of acrobatic training.