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Generalized Mode-Matching Technique in the Theory of Guided Wave Diffraction. Part 1: Fresnel Formulas for Scattering Operators

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dc.contributor.author Petrusenko, I. V.
dc.contributor.author Sirenko, Yu. K.
dc.date.accessioned 2017-05-24T10:14:25Z
dc.date.available 2017-05-24T10:14:25Z
dc.date.issued 2017-05-23
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dc.identifier.issn 0040-2508 Print, 1943-6009 Online
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2398
dc.description Petrusenko I. V., Sirenko Yu. K., “Generalized Mode-Matching Technique in the Theory of Guided Wave Diffraction. Part 1: Fresnel Formulas for Scattering Operators”, Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, 2013, v.72, No 5, pp. 369-384. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract A generalization of the conventional mode‐matching technique corresponding to a new formulation of the problem of wave diffraction by waveguide discontinuities is рresented. The matrix‐operator formalism used in the study for the modal analysis is briefly described. Fresnel formulas are derived for the sought‐for operators of mode reflection and transmission in the canonical problem of step discontinuity in the guide. The correctness of the found matrixoperator model is proved analytically. It is shown that the obtained results are valid for a wide class of scalar problems of wave diffraction by step‐like discontinuities in the waveguide. The developed generalization of the mode‐matching technique is intended for efficient and rigorous analysis of waveguide units and microwave devices uk_UA
dc.language.iso en uk_UA
dc.publisher Begell House uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries Telecommunications and Radio Engineering Международный научный журнал по проблемам телекоммуникационной техники и электроники;2013, v.72, No 5
dc.subject mode‐matching technique uk_UA
dc.subject Cayley transformation uk_UA
dc.subject scattering operator uk_UA
dc.subject Fresnel formulas uk_UA
dc.title Generalized Mode-Matching Technique in the Theory of Guided Wave Diffraction. Part 1: Fresnel Formulas for Scattering Operators uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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