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A place of the RILO network in a customs prevention institutional mechanism

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dc.contributor.author Rybaczyk, Magdalena
dc.contributor.author Рыбачик, Магдалена
dc.date.accessioned 2017-04-06T12:13:37Z
dc.date.available 2017-04-06T12:13:37Z
dc.date.issued 2017-04-06
dc.identifier.citation 1. https://www.cbp.gov/border-security/ports-entry/cargo-security/c-tpat-customstrade-partnership-against-terrorism 2. CSI Brochure, https://www.cbp.gov/sites/default/files/documents/ csi_brochure_2011_3.pdf 3. WCO in brief, http://www.wcoomd.org/en/about-us/what-is-the-wco.aspx 4. SAFE Framework of Standards, June 2015, http://www.wcoomd.org/en/topics/ facilitation/instrument-and-tools/tools/~/ media/2B9F7D493314432BA42BC8498D3B73CB.ashx 5. Strategy of the Polish Customs Service for the years 2015-2020, http:// www.mf.gov.pl/documents/764034/1161637/strategia+dzia%C5% 82ania+SC+na+lata+2014_2020.pdf 6. Agreement of the Trade Facilitation, http://www.wcoomd.org/en/topics/wcoimplementing-the-wto-atf/~/media/WCO/Public/Global/PDF/Topics/Facilitation/Activities% 20and%20Programmes/TF%20Negociations/WTO%20Docs/TNTF/2014/931%20EN.ashx 7. World Customs Organization (WCO) (2004), doc. EC0161E1, Introduction of the Guidelines for the Implementation of the RILO Policy, WCO, Brussels 8. World Customs Organization (WCO) (2003), Annex II to Doc. EC0134E2, Recommendation of the Customs Co-Operation Council on the Operation of the Global Network of Regional Intelligence Liaison Offices (RILOs), WCO, Brussels 9. World Customs Organization (WCO) (2006), Revised Kyoto Convention, Chapter 7 Application of Information Technology, standard 7.1, WCO, Brussels 10. CEN Suite Brochure consists of three independently existing IT tools developed by the WCO Secretariat in order to fight against transnational crime; World Customs Organization (WCO) (20150, CEN Suite Brochure, WCO, Brussels 11. World Customs Organization (WCO) (2015), Compliance and Enforcement Package, WCO, Brussels 12. World Customs Organization (WCO) (2012), WCO Customs Enforcement Data Exchange Instruments. Chapter 25. WCO Commercial Fraud Manual For Senior Customs Officials, WCO, Brussels 13. World Customs Organization (WCO) (2012), Customs in the 21st Century. Enhancing Growth and Development through Trade Facilitation and Border Security, WCO, Brussels 14. Sokol J., Wulf L.Customs Modernization Handbook, (The World Bank), (2005), Washington D.C. 15. World Customs Organization (WCO) (2011), Final Report of the work of the WCO ad hoc Working Group on Globally Networked Customs, WCO, Brussels 16. World Customs Organization (WCO), The Convention establishing the CCC, January 1967 17. World Customs Organization (WCO) (2015), SAFE Framework of Standards, WCO, Brussels uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2142
dc.description.abstract The Customs administrations around the world are the first defenders on the borders Customs dministrations around the world are responsible for detection and prevention of dangerous, restricted and prohibited goods. Thus the issues of crime prevention are now directly related to the competence of Customs administrations. In the paper the author would like to draw attention to already existing mechanism which might be used in a more efficient way. The Regional Intelligence Liaison Office (further – RILO) Network and the Customs Enforcement Network (further – CEN) database have a great potential for being used as the institutional prevention mechanism since both tools facilitate the exchange of information among Customs administrations globally. In general, the topic of the Global RILO Network is underestimated and little known, even among the Customs officers, especially those, who are not dealing with international cooperation. The author wants to draw attention of the Customs community worldwide, but also representatives of other law enforcement agencies to the potential of existing instruments and tools provided by the World Customs Organization (further – WCO). It is important to acknowledge the number of obtainable tools, in order to save the resources, both financial and human, which might be spent on creating completely new mechanisms. In order to achieve the main goal, the author has analyzed the basic tools and instruments of the WCO in two areas of Customs duties, namely: trade facilitation and Customs enforcement. Additionally, the role of the WCO as a unique institutional body in Customs matters has been emphasized. The author wanted to give comprehensive background information on a RILO Network and highlighted its place in a modern Customs administration using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The scientific methods used in the paper were as follows: characterization for experience and observation, source criticism, deduction. The final conclusion led to the fact, that in order to get the highest level of efficiency, both the technical and networking aspects of exchange of information must be in place. The proper managing of the exchange of information may cause a better allocation of human resources and technology, improve the data quality, influence on more precise risk assessment then lead to the better detection of illegal trade and finally may contribute to the growth in government revenue. Thus the information exchange, the RILO Network, is a trigger mechanism which plays a vital role in crime prevention. uk_UA
dc.language.iso en uk_UA
dc.publisher Academy of Customs Service of Ukraine uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries Customs;№ 2, 2016
dc.subject crime prevention uk_UA
dc.subject RILO Network uk_UA
dc.subject CEN database uk_UA
dc.subject exchange of information uk_UA
dc.subject WCO’s enforcement tools uk_UA
dc.subject ICT uk_UA
dc.subject предупреждение преступности uk_UA
dc.subject информационная сеть RILO uk_UA
dc.subject база таможенных оперативных данных CEN uk_UA
dc.subject обмен информацией uk_UA
dc.subject правоохранительные инструменты ВТамО uk_UA
dc.subject ИКТ uk_UA
dc.title A place of the RILO network in a customs prevention institutional mechanism uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Роль информационной сети регионального офиса по обмену оперативными данными между таможенными администрациями в процессе борьбы с таможенными правонарушениями uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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