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Stages of the Ukrainian customs system capacity building: towards the EU standards

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу

dc.contributor.author Chentsov, Victor
dc.contributor.author Garmash, Yevgen
dc.contributor.author Ченцов, Виктор
dc.contributor.author Гармаш, Евгений
dc.date.accessioned 2017-04-06T08:09:08Z
dc.date.available 2017-04-06T08:09:08Z
dc.date.issued 2017-04-06
dc.identifier.citation 1. Informacija s sajta Ministerstva Finansov Ukrainy [Information from the website of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine]. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: www.minfin.gov.ua. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: www.minfin.gov.ua. (in Ukrainian) 2. O nekotoryh meroprijatijah optimizacii organov ispolnitel'noj vlasti: Ukaz Prezidenta Ukrainy ot 24 dekabrja 2012 goda No 726/2012 [On some measures to optimize the executive power: Presidential Decree of December 24, 2012 №726 / 2012] [Elektronnij resurs]. – Rezhim dostupu: www.ligazakon.ua. (in Ukrainian) 3. O tamozhennom dele v Ukraine: Zakon Ukrainy No 92-IV ot 11.07.2002 (Zakon utratil silu s 01.01.2004 goda na osnovanii Kodeksa) [On Customs Affairs in Ukraine: The Law of Ukraine № 92 -IV from 11.07.2002 (The law lost its force from 01.01.2004 on the basis of the Customs Code) // Visny`k Verxovnoyi Rady`, 2002, No 38 – 39, Article 288 (in Ukrainian) 4. Strategicheskij plan razvitija Ministerstva dohodov i sborov Ukrainy na 5 let [Strategic Development Plan of the Ukrainian Ministry of Revenues and Taxes for 5 years]. – [Elektronnij resurs]. – Rezhim dostupu: www.mindr.gov.ua. (in Ukrainian) 5. Tamozhennyj kodeks Ukrainy ot 13.03.2012 No 4495-VI [The Customs Code of Ukraine from 13.03.2012 № 4495-VI] // Vedomosti Verhovnoj Rady Ukrainy (VVR), 2012, No 73-74, Article 590 (in Ukrainian) 1. Информация с сайта Министерства финансов Украины. / Informacija s sajta Ministerstva Finansov Ukrainy [Information from the website of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine]. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: www.minfin.gov.ua. – [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: www.minfin.gov.ua. (in Ukrainian) 2. Про деякі заходи оптимізації органів виконавчої влади: Указ Президента України від 24 грудня 2012 року №726/2012 / O nekotoryh meroprijatijah optimizacii organov ispolnitel'noj vlasti: Ukaz Prezidenta Ukrainy ot 24 dekabrja 2012 goda No 726/2012 [On some measures to optimize the executive power: Presidential Decree of December 24, 2012 №726 / 2012] [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: www.ligazakon.ua. (in Ukrainian) 3. Про митну справу в Україні: Закон України № 92-IV від 11.07.2002 (Закон втратив чинність з 01.01.2004 року на основі Кодексу) / O tamozhennom dele v Ukraine: Zakon Ukrainy No 92-IV ot 11.07.2002 (Zakon utratil silu s 01.01.2004 goda na osnovanii Kodeksa) [On Customs Affairs in Ukraine: The Law of Ukraine № 92-IV from 11.07.2002 (The law lost its force from 01.01.2004 on the basis of the Customs Code) // Visny`k Verxovnoyi Rady`, 2002, No 38 – 39, Article 288 (in Ukrainian) 4. Стратегічний план розвитку Міністерства доходів і зборів України на 5 років. / Strategicheskij plan razvitija Ministerstva dohodov i sborov Ukrainy na 5 let [Strategic Development Plan of the Ukrainian Ministry of Revenues and Taxes for 5 years]. – [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: www.mindr.gov.ua. (in Ukrainian) 5. Митний кодекс України від 13.03.2012 № 4495-VI. /Tamozhennyj kodeks Ukrainy ot 13.03.2012 No 4495-VI [The Customs Code of Ukraine from 13.03.2012 № 4495-VI] // Відомості Верховної Ради України (ВВР) / Vedomosti Verhovnoj Rady Ukrainy (VVR), 2012, No 73-74, Article 590 (in Ukrainian) uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2113
dc.description.abstract The paper describes the stages of capacity building of the Ukrainian Customs system. Positive and negative aspects of the capacity building reforms having been carried out are reasonably stated. The existing international practice of Customs administrations’ creation and functioning as well as a practical activity of the Customs administrations in different countries of the European Union are analyzed in the paper. Particular attention is paid to the compliance of the Ukrainian Customs system reforms with pan-European regulations and standards. The authors note the main positive changes having been made in the process of Tax and Customs Services reorganization, namely: creation of a common information database, which made it easier to collect taxes and audit; development of quite a clear mechanism for interoperability and responsibilities sharing; creation of a single efficient department to combat tax crimes and smuggling; usage of innovative IT – technologies to fully control the process of taxes, duties and other charges collection to the budget; improved situation with the recovery of VAT. The authors’ approach to the creation of effective organizational and functional mechanism of the Customs system has been offered. uk_UA
dc.language.iso en uk_UA
dc.publisher Academy of Customs Service of Ukraine uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries Customs;№ 1, 2015
dc.subject Ukrainian Customs system uk_UA
dc.subject steps uk_UA
dc.subject capacity building uk_UA
dc.subject capacity building reforms uk_UA
dc.subject organizational and functional mechanism uk_UA
dc.subject таможенная система Украины uk_UA
dc.subject этапы uk_UA
dc.subject институциональное развитие uk_UA
dc.subject институциональные реформы uk_UA
dc.subject организационно-функциональный механизм uk_UA
dc.title Stages of the Ukrainian customs system capacity building: towards the EU standards uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Этапы институционального развития таможенной системы Украины: на пути к стандартам Европейского Союза uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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