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Determination of economic efficiency of the sanctions for violation of the Customs rules

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dc.contributor.author Oleksienko, Roman
dc.date.accessioned 2017-03-30T08:07:38Z
dc.date.available 2017-03-30T08:07:38Z
dc.date.issued 2017-03-30
dc.identifier.citation 1. Mytny Kodeks Ukrainy [The Customs Code of Ukraine]. 11 July 2002, № 92-IV. – http://rada.gov.ua 2. Oleksiienko, R. (2008). Osnovni formy transformaciyi vidnosyn i prav vlasnosti subyektiv u sferi mytnogo reguliuvannya ZED [The main forms of transformation of the property relations and rights of participants in the plane of customs regulation of the foreign economic activity]. Dniepropetrovsk: Economic magazine of the National Mining University, №4, pp. 36-41. 3. Pidsumky roboty mytnyh organiv Ukrainy u 2004 roci. Informaciyno-analitychny zbirnyk [The results of activity of the customs authorities of Ukraine in 2004. Informational and analytical digest]. Kyiv: SCSU, 116 p. 4. Pidsumky roboty mytnyh organiv Ukrainy u 2005 roci. Informaciyno-analitychny zbirnyk [The results of activity of the customs authorities of Ukraine in 2005. Informational and analytical digest]. Kyiv: SCSU, 93 p. 5. Pidsumky roboty mytnyh organiv Ukrainy u 2006 roci. Informaciyno-analitychny zbirnyk [The results of activity of the customs authorities of Ukraine in 2006. Informational and analytical digest]. Kyiv: SCSU, 96 p. 6. Pidsumky roboty mytnyh organiv Ukrainy u 2007 roci. Informaciyno-analitychny zbirnyk [The results of activity of the customs authorities of Ukraine in 2007. Informational and analytical digest]. Kyiv: SCSU, 87 p. 7. Pidsumky roboty mytnyh organiv Ukrainy u 2008 roci. Informaciyno-analitychny zbirnyk [The results of activity of the customs authorities of Ukraine in 2008. Informational and analytical digest]. Kyiv: SCSU, 76 p. 8. Pidsumky roboty mytnyh organiv Ukrainy u 2009 roci. Informaciyno-analitychny zbirnyk [The results of activity of the customs authorities of Ukraine in 2009. Informational and analytical digest]. Kyiv: SCSU, 75 p. 9. Oleksiienko, R. (2010). Shiodo pytannya efektyvnosti diyalnosti mytnyh organiv z obmezhennya prav vlasnosti subyektiv ZED [As for the issue of effectiveness of the customs authorities' activity regarding to limitation of the property rights of participants of the foreign economic activity]. Paper given at the 3rd international scientific and practical conference. Part 1, pp. 221-222. Dniepropetrovsk: the Academy of Customs Service of Ukraine. uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2036
dc.description.abstract This scientific article is dedicated to the problem issue regarding to choice of economically expedient kind of the sanctions for violation of the customs rules by the subjects of the foreign economic activity during the customs control. The appropriate algorithm of actions of customs authorities of Ukraine concerning the expediency determination of application of the final transformation of property relations in behalf of the state is developed. uk_UA
dc.language.iso en uk_UA
dc.publisher Academy of Customs Service of Ukraine uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries Pilot edition;2011. -№1
dc.subject the customs regulation uk_UA
dc.subject transformation of the property relations uk_UA
dc.subject violation of the customs rules uk_UA
dc.subject the algorithm of actions uk_UA
dc.subject the economic efficiency uk_UA
dc.title Determination of economic efficiency of the sanctions for violation of the Customs rules uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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