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Duties of customs authorities related to environmental protection

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dc.contributor.author Rakoczy, Bartosz
dc.date.accessioned 2017-03-30T07:26:20Z
dc.date.available 2017-03-30T07:26:20Z
dc.date.issued 2017-03-30
dc.identifier.citation 1. Journal of Laws No 68, item 622 as amended, hereinafter referred to as the Customs Law. 2. Journal of Laws No 25, item 150, as amended, hereinafter referred to as the Environmental Protection Law. 3. [translator’s note] Wójt, burmistrz, prezydent. 4. See, for example, Z. Bukowski [in:] J. Ciechanowicz – McLean, Z. Bukowski, B. Rakoczy, Prawo ochrony środowiska. Komentarz (Environmental Protection Law. Comments). – Warsaw, 2008. – P. 596. 5. Radecki W. Organy administracji oraz instytucje ochrony środowiska – tytuł VII ustawy Prawo ochrony środowiska. Komentarz. (Environmental Protection Administrative Authorities and Institutions – Title VII of the Environmental Protection Law. Comments). – Wrocław, 2002. – P. 9. 6. Gruszecki K. Prawo ochrony środowiska. Komentarz (Environmental Protection Law. Comments), ed. 2. – Warsaw, 2008. – P. 741. 7. Journal of Laws of 2008, No 213, item 1342. 8. Journal of Laws of 2006, No 17, item 127, as amended. 9. Journal of Laws of 2008, No 133, item 849. 10. Journal of Laws of 1991, No 27, item 112, as amended. 11. Journal of Laws of 2007, No 44, item 287, as amended. 12. Radecki W. Ustawa o Inspekcji Ochrony Środowiska z komentarzem (Environmental Protection Inspection Law with Comments). – Wrocław, 2000. uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2027
dc.description.abstract At first glance, there seems to be no relation between customs authorities and environmental protection. Since customs authorities perform basic duties related to customs trading, which are connected mainly with the collection of customs charges. However, such an assessment of customs authorities is not justified and it is possible, and even advisable, to evaluate their activities in terms of environmental protection, as well. This article discusses the role and meaning of customs authorities in environmental protection. Its purpose is to characterise customs authorities’ duties related to environmental protection, appraise them and propose solutions for future. uk_UA
dc.language.iso en uk_UA
dc.publisher Academy of Customs Service of Ukraine uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries Pilot edition;2011. -№1
dc.subject environmental protection uk_UA
dc.subject control duties uk_UA
dc.subject control competence uk_UA
dc.title Duties of customs authorities related to environmental protection uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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