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dc.contributor.authorVakhovych, I.-
dc.contributor.authorBiloshapka, V.-
dc.contributor.authorIvashyna, O.-
dc.contributor.authorIvashyna, S.-
dc.contributor.authorKorneev, V.-
dc.contributor.authorKhodzhaian, A.-
dc.identifier.citationVakhovych I. Modelling of the anti-crisis management system in the banking sector of the Ukrainian economy to ensure its financial stability / I. Vakhovych, V. Biloshapka, O. Ivashyna, S. Ivashyna, V. Korneev, A. Khodzhaian. Financial and Credit Activity Problems of Theory and Practice. 2023. 5(52). P. 52–66.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractIn the conditions of great turbulence in the national financial market, caused first by the coronavirus and later by the Russian invasion, a particularly important task today is the stable functioning of the banking system, which is the lifeblood of the economy. In this context, an important task is to accumulate the efforts of the National Bank and commercial banks to improve the system of anti-crisis measures to ensure the stable operation of the banking sector and the economy in general. The article is devoted to the development of methodological tools for anti-crisis management in the banking sector of the domestic economy. For this purpose, a model of anti-crisis management in the banking sector of the Ukrainian economy is proposed, which is based on forecasting the sustainable development of the banking sector by distinguishing its three main states: unbalanced, minimally organized and maximally organized. The three-dimensional model of anti-crisis management in the banking sector makes it possible to clearly show the cyclical nature of its development. The study identified and substantiated the main directions of optimization of development and regulation of internal factors of stability of the banking sector of Ukraine. A structural and logical diagram of the anti-crisis management model is proposed, which provides for the implementation of measures of anti-crisis regulation of the banking sector by performing a certain sequence of management actions. The article also defines tasks aimed at implementing a program of measures to increase the competitiveness of the banking sector of Ukraine. The considered measures for maintaining stability and ensuring stable functioning of the banking sector and increasing trust in it are the most important prerequisites for financial and macroeconomic stabilization.uk_UA
dc.publisherFintechalliance LLCuk_UA
dc.subjectanti-crisis managementuk_UA
dc.subjectbanking sectoruk_UA
dc.subjectfinancial stabilityuk_UA
dc.subjectstability of the banking systemuk_UA
dc.subjectsynergy conceptuk_UA
dc.titleModelling of the anti-crisis management system in the banking sector of the Ukrainian economy to ensure its financial stabilityuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра фінансів, банківської справи та страхування

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