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Назва: Social policies to promote the innovative activity of Ukrainian companies in times of war
Автори: Bielialov, Taliat
Datsenko, Viktoriia
Diachenko, Nataliia
Puzanova, Galyna
Voronko, Oksana
Ключові слова: emotional disorders
RDoC framework
Дата публікації: 4-бер-2025
Бібліографічний опис: Bielialov T. Social policies to promote the innovative activity of Ukrainian companies in times of war / T. Bielialov, V. Datsenko, N. Diachenko, G. Puzanova, O. Voronko. Interacción y Perspectiva Dep. Legal Revista de Trabajo Social. Vol. 14 No3. P. 868-880.
Короткий огляд (реферат): The author’s definition of innovation activity is formulated, the essence of innovation potential and its components is revealed: intellectual, personnel, technological, research, financial, infrastructural, organizational and managerial. The problems of innovative development of modern Ukraine in wartime conditions that impede the functioning of the country's economy are outlined. It is concluded that for the strategic course of socio-economic development of Ukraine it is important to take into account the world experience of the methodology of formation of national priority areas of science and technology, innovative development of enterprises. Attention is focused on the feasibility of using in the process of innovation such achievements of the IT industry as transparency of information management, cost reduction, customer relationship management systems, etc. According to the results of the study, measures have been proposed to create a socially oriented environment for the development of economic entities and to strengthen their competitiveness at the domestic and international levels, the potential of the startup movement to ensure technological renewal and economic growth of the country has been substantiated.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу):
ISSN: 2244-808X
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра маркетингу

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