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Назва: Paradigmatic dimensions of local public management research: the path to reliable managerial decisions
Автори: Tretiak, O. A.
Khmelnykov, A. O.
Batrymenko, O. V.
Karashchuk, M.
Husieva, N.
Ключові слова: paradigmatic foundations
local public management
local politics
epistemic freedom
Дата публікації: 4-бер-2025
Бібліографічний опис: Tretiak O. A. Paradigmatic dimensions of local public management research: the path to reliable managerial decisions / O.A. Tretiak, A.O. Khmelnykov, O.V. Batrymenko, M. Karashchuk, N. Husieva. Amazonia Investiga. 2024. 13(76). P. 228-235.
Короткий огляд (реферат): Explicated the need to compare the established paradigmatic ideas in local public management and in the political science research environment. Particular attention is paid to the important issue of the project relationship establishing between the paradigmatic approach and the subject field of public management research. Essential discrepancies between the key paradigmatic approaches to local public management and policy making at the local level are revealed. Stated the necessity of essential empirical material evaluation for further research and possibly improvement of the regulatory framework for local public management. Proved that the particular author's (actors`) main reason for conducting paradigmatic discussions on local public management is the need to communicate with a powerful research tradition. It is concluded that, the success of public policies and their impact on the lives of citizens depends on an understanding of epistemic foundations. Established that different paradigmatic alternatives of public decisions are determined on the basis of scientific data. Considered the most optimal way of applying any paradigmatic approaches is the analysis of the expediency of applying the methodology and forecasting the achievement of scientific novelty or specific results of management projects.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу):
ISSN: 2322- 6307
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