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Название: Development of towards education in medical students
Авторы: Morokhovets, H. Yu.
Uvarkina, O. V.
Bieliaieva, O. M.
Lysanets, Y. V.
Senkevych, H. A.
Stetsenko, S. A.
Ключевые слова: motivation
future doctors
professional training
higher medical education
Дата публикации: 7-фев-2025
Издательство: Wydawnictwo Aluna
Библиографическое описание: Morokhovets H. Yu., Uvarkina O. V., Bieliaieva O. M., Lysanets Y. V., Senkevych H. A., Stetsenko S. A. Development of towards education in medical students. Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2019. T. LXXII. № 1. pp. 7–11.
Аннотация: Based on the analysis of literary sources, the main factors that influence the interest of students in education were identified and the pedagogical conditions for the formation of positive motivation for training activity in the educational setting of a higher medical educational institution were highlighted. It was found that most students prefer social motives when choosing a profession, and almost 10% of the subjects show a low level of focus on learning in the process of education. The authors provided practical recommendations on the formation of positive motivation for students’ training when studying humanities at a medical university with the help of multimedia teaching materials, inclusion of students in the self-directed research activity, etc.
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Располагается в коллекциях:Кафедра журналістики

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