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dc.contributor.authorYatchuk, Olha-
dc.contributor.authorKodatska, Natalia-
dc.identifier.citationYatchuk O., Kodatska N. Socio-communicative dimension of television development. New stages of development of modern science in Ukraine and EU countries: monograph. 7th ed. Riga : Baltija Publishing, 2019. pp. 403-419.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the paper is forming of a certain concept of periodization in television development in the context of social and communication features of broadcasting, which would be based on the following aspects: technological, content and communication. The survey is based on integrated approach to the use of theoretical, empirical, empirical- theoretical, analytical research methods and sectoral methods of social communications. Historical and comparative historical methods have been used to analyze and systematize data on the formation and development of television and its individual broadcasting models (on-line and off-line). Systematization, classification, and grouping were used to identify features and factors of television development in individual models. The comparison method was used to identify common and distinct features of different stages of television broadcasting. The content analysis method was used to systematize data on the development of on-line and off-line models as communicative television technologies. Results of the survey is comprehensively understanding the phenomenon of television development as a space to meet the social and communicative needs of society. Analyzing and understanding the main stages of television development as a communication system will improve the quality of the study of individual issues related to television, as well as help predict the future vectors of development of this communicative phenomenon.uk_UA
dc.publisherBaltija Publishinguk_UA
dc.titleSocio-communicative dimension of television developmentuk_UA
dc.typeBook chapteruk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Кафедра журналістики

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