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Название: Sociological dimension of media communications
Другие названия: Соціологічний вимір медіакомунікацій
Авторы: Kodatska, N. О.
Chyrychenko, Yu. V.
Ключевые слова: means of communication
media communications industry
information product
convergent journalism
social communications
Дата публикации: 5-фев-2025
Издательство: Причорноморський науково-дослідний інститут економіки та інновацій
Библиографическое описание: Kodatska N. О., Chyrychenko Yu. V. Sociological dimension of media communications. Габітус. 2020. №13. Т.1. С. 74-78.
Аннотация: In the presented article the author analyzes the main trends in the development of media communications in modern society. Transformation processes that have led to the emergence of such new forms of communication as network and mobile communication are considered. Various interdisciplinary characteristics of communication, interpretation and interpretation are studied using a comprehensive and disparate research methodology. The peculiarity and importance of media communications as a type of social communications are emphasized, which include the types of such media communication, which by its nature is mass, which gives the media the right to be called mass media. The most common means of the media industry, which are the press, radio, television, ie the mass media, as well as the Internet, are highlighted. The process of individualization of journalism is analyzed, when any person acts as a producer and distributor of information without control and any external restrictions. It is emphasized that professional journalism and the blogosphere, sometimes called “individual” or “citizen” journalism, complement each other and define modern media communications. The main shortcomings of the information and communication environment of the Internet, which is today the most global media field, are identified, namely: information inequality, digital divide, language disparity, insufficient educational level. It is stated that modern social processes in combination with the spread and diversity of network technologies have led to the widespread use of digital journalism. The tendency of mass media convergence, ie the process of merging, integration of information and communication technologies into a single information resource is determined. It is revealed that the process of convergence of mass media in journalism forms the following trends: creation of a multimedia product; formation of “new media”; rethinking the concept of “media content”.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса):
ISSN: 2663-5216 (Online)
Располагается в коллекциях:Кафедра журналістики

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