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dc.contributor.authorSardak, Sergii-
dc.contributor.authorKorneyev, Maxim-
dc.contributor.authorSimakhova, Anastasiia-
dc.contributor.authorBilskaya, Olha-
dc.identifier.citationSergii Sardak, Maxim Korneyev, Anastasiia Simakhova and Olha Bilskaya (2017). Global factors which influence the directions of social development. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 15(3), 323-333.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThis study identifies global factors conditioning the global problematics of the direction of social development. Global threats were evaluated and defined as dangerous processes, phenomena, and situations that cause harm to health, safety, well-being, and the lives of all humanity, and require removal. The essence of global risks was defined. These risks were defined as events or conditions that may cause a significant negative effect for several countries or spheres within a strategic period if they occur. Global problems were conceptualized. These problems were defined as phenomena, matters, and situations that are not completely understandable, interesting, actual, require solving and regulation, and in addition do not have unified solutions. Current global challenges were analyzed, defined as strategic guidelines that cause transformational changes and are receiving attention from humanity. Global trends were defined as courses of social development. The composition and role of global actors were described, and defined as international organizations, leading states, regional organizations, powerful corporations, institutional investors, large cities, and well-known personalities. The directions of positive courses of social development were developed by means of using the authors’ mechanism of solving the global problematics.uk_UA
dc.publisherLLC “Consulting Publishing Company “Business Perspectives”uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesProblems and Perspectives in Management;15(3), 2017-
dc.subjectsocial developmentuk_UA
dc.subjectglobal factorsuk_UA
dc.subjectglobal problematicsuk_UA
dc.subjectglobal processesuk_UA
dc.titleGlobal factors which influence the directions of social developmentuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Кафедра міжнародного туризму та готельно-ресторанного бізнесу

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