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dc.contributor.authorDragobetskii, Volodymyr-
dc.contributor.authorParschina, Elena-
dc.contributor.authorSavchenko, Iurii-
dc.contributor.authorGurenko, Anna-
dc.contributor.authorPavlenko, Oleksiy-
dc.contributor.authorMarkov, Oleg-
dc.identifier.citationDragobetskii V., Parschina E., Savchenko I., Gurenko A., Pavlenko O., Markov O (2020). Comparative Assessment of Multilayer Waveguide Manufacturing Technologies. Proceedings of the 25th ieee international conference on Problems of Automated Electric drive. Theory and Practice, 21 – 25 September, 2020. pp. 599-602.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe impact of the initial structure on the wave parameters and the quality of the waveguides bimetallic pipes welding is examined in the current paper. It is demonstrated that in order to obtain a reliable and durable welded joint, it is preferable to use the annealed fine-grained initial pipes. The test results demonstrate the formation of a stable and durable joint of the bimetal layers. Among the quality metrics of the bimetal with a relatively thin cladding layer is also the uniformity of the cladding layer. It is more correct to consider using the yield strength with a certain correction instead of the hardness parameter while calculating the Reynolds number, which allows to take into consideration the welded metals structural changes and their impact on the type of the weld boundary and the quality of the weld joint to the fullest extent. A comparative assessment of the multilayer waveguide manufacturing technologies for further economic analysis of the technology profitability was conducted.uk_UA
dc.publisherKremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University,uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesProceedings of the 25th ieee international conference on Problems of Automated Electric drive. Theory and Practice;21 – 25 September, 2020-
dc.subjectbimetallic pipesuk_UA
dc.subjectwave formationuk_UA
dc.subjectexplosive weldinguk_UA
dc.subjectReynolds numberuk_UA
dc.titleComparative Assessment of Multilayer Waveguide Manufacturing Technologiesuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Кафедра кібербезпеки та інформаційних технологій

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